Home / Drive to Success: Is Your Dealership’s IT in the Dark Ages?

Drive to Success: Is Your Dealership’s IT in the Dark Ages?

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Modern Automotive Dealerships will do almost anything to earn the trust of today’s tech-savvy buyer, from using data-driven ad targeting to implementing AI and chatbots on their web presence. In a recent study, researchers found dealers use an average of almost seven software systems to complete every transaction in their store. Yet, when it comes to keeping their network connectivity optimal, or managing ‘uptime,’ General Managers and Dealer Principal Owners are often left in the dark. The problem inherent with running so many advanced technologies under multiple rooftops lies in your foundation. And many dealers aren’t willing to spend additional money on the basics like managed network services—profit-driven technology—that could help.

1 – IT Uptime is Critical for Good Productivity

BizForceTech: Poor IT uptime costs more than you’d think, up to $5,600 per minute in some cases! Beyond that, your dealership has to face the intangible expenses like company morale, productivity downtime, and the hit to your reputation.

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2 – How To Determine If Managed IT Services Are Right For Your Business

Forbes: Managed IT services entails outsourcing your network security, cloud-based tech, and anything IT related to the pros. It also means that you’re now free to focus on running a more operationally proficient team. So, basically a win-win.

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3 – Tech Trends 2019

Deloitte: Dealerships and other businesses are relying more and more on cloud-based technology to reach today’s consumers. These network-dependent technologies are literally transforming the architecture of modern dealerships.

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4 – Why IT Strategy Is Mission Critical to Dealer Success

AutoDealerToday: On average, the number of internet-connected devices in your dealership has tripled in the past five years. Gone are the days of having a single on-staff IT professional who split their time between fixing your router and selling cars.

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5 – If You Expand Your Dealership, You Need to Scale Your IT Infrastructure

Helion Technologies: Your tech goals this year must include creating more seamless and connected experiences for your customers. Accessing smart data across multiple touchpoints is going to require your IT game to level-up.

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