Home / Drive to Success: Build a Brand Story Worthy of Advocacy

Drive to Success: Build a Brand Story Worthy of Advocacy

2 Min Read

A great story sticks with you for years. The same idea is at the core of building your brand’s story and empowering your brand advocates. Reaching your customers on an emotional level and engaging your current buyers (and employees) with content that resonates with your values and mission can build retention and improve profitability. It also has the power to elevate your brand above the noise of the competition. Read more:

1 – Brand Advocacy: Everything Your Company Needs to Know

Everyone Social: If your dealership’s brand isn’t rising above the noise of all of your competitors, it won’t matter how great your customer service is or how wonderful your product is. Brand advocacy helps bring much needed focus and attention to what makes your company unique and special.

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2 – 14 Examples of Customer Retention Strategies That Work

HubSpot: There’s a certain allure to capturing new customers. However, building retention costs 5-25X less, and it should be at the top of your marketing strategy. Can brand advocacy keep your current clientele happy and engaged?

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3 – How Emotional Branding Can Convert Brand Advocates

Survicate: Crafting a great story helps connect your brand to your customers on an emotional level. It sets you apart from the competition and builds loyalty. But, you have to do it right.

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4 – 8 Ways to Tell Your Most Compelling Brand Story

WordStream: Building your brand story conveys history, purpose and values to your buyers. And when people begin telling your story for you, you know you’ve reached people on an emotional level.

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5 – 3 Key Features of Employer Branding Advocacy Tools

Rally: Brand advocates can be customers or employees who share your company’s content via different tools. They can become your most valuable marketers. Learn some of the key features of the software tools designed to empower them.

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