Home / Drive to Success: Don’t Drag Your Feet on Digital Retailing

Drive to Success: Don’t Drag Your Feet on Digital Retailing

2 Min Read

Where did you purchase your last vacation? How easy and smooth is your online shopping experience today? You know where this is going… Car buyers want more control of the shopping, buying, financing process. And the automotive industry is struggling to keep up. If your dealership isn’t investing in digital retailing—improving the ability to buy, shop, interact with your store online—you should be hard at work building that strategy for the immediate future. Read More:

1 – Facilitating Online Car Buying Without Losing Profit or Control

Digital Dealer: Nearly 80% of car shoppers want to move part of the process of buying a car online. Yet dealers’ fears of losing control, dwindling profits, and taking on the burden of increased training are holding everyone back. Here’s how to prepare for the inevitable.

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2 – Automotive Marketing: Three Technology Trends Transforming The Customer Experience

Ramped Up: A study found that 61% of Americans worry about being taken advantage of when they shop for a car at the dealership. Can the new internet-experience of buying a car improve trust?

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3 – How Mark Wahlberg and Private Equity Firms Are Shaking Up Automotive Retail

CBT News: Looking for a clear sign that the automotive industry is changing fast? Consider buying your next car from former rapper, and highly paid movie action star Mark “Marky Mark” Wahlberg. Yes, really.

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4 – Digital Retailing: What’s the Holdup?

Digital Dealer: If dealers are merely sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the best digital retailing process to win among the competition, the automotive industry will continue to drag its feet. Digital retailing is, to be blunt, your website’s greatest conversion tool. Hop to it.

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5 – How Your Dealership Can Leverage Digital Retailing to Build Customer Trust

CBT News: Car shoppers are looking for more control during the buying process. Listen to this interview to learn where and how digital retailing can build transparency between dealerships and prospective buyers.

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Check back next week for more Drive to Success.