Home / Drive to Success: Manage Change In Your Organization Like a Boss

Drive to Success: Manage Change In Your Organization Like a Boss

2 Min Read

Everyone is ready for change, until it’s time to get uncomfortable. So what do you—the boss—do when it’s time to pull the rug out from under your dealership employees? Well, first, you give them a warning. Second, you do your research! The art and science behind Change Management is designed to help ensure the success of your efforts, to keep people from jumping ship, and to make the entire process as comfortable as possible. Read more:

1 – Managing Organizational Change

Inc.com: As your dealership prepares to transition from its old state into the new, managing change can help you reduce cost, minimize employee resistence, and maximize the efficiency of your goals.

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2 – Resistance To Change In Organizations Comes From These 5 Factors (New Data)

Leadership IQ: Resistance to change is normal. However, the growing pains can be overcome if you understand these five factors. Hint: a major factor relies on leadership’s ability to be more transparent.

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3 – 7 Organizational Change Management Frameworks That Stick

Remesh: There are many, many strategies available to help guide your dealership through the inevitable changes you will go through. Learning about Organizational Change Management, or OCM, covers the people-side of change.

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4 – A Proven Change Approach to Managing Organizational Change

AGS: Check out this modified approach to change management that is less “science” and more “art.” It’s based on years of practical experience.

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5 – 3 Strategies for Managing Resistance to Change

Navigo: Resistance to change is normal, healthy, and human. Here are three strategies to help you navigate the process.

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