Home / Drive to Success: Onboard Your Dealership Staff For Long-Term Success

Drive to Success: Onboard Your Dealership Staff For Long-Term Success

2 Min Read

Unemployment is low. Your dealership staff has options. Are you ready for this? If your dealership fails to onboard team members successfully, and quickly, be prepared to watch your precious new hires abandon ship. A careful, strategic program that sets your team up for a long, happy career goes a long way. Read more:

1 – Best Practices for Successful Employee Onboarding

Business 2 Community: An employee’s first few days and weeks with your dealership will determine the tone of your entire relationship, how long they stay with the company, and (ultimately) how successful they’ll be. First impressions matter, and this one’s on you.

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2 – 7 New Employee Onboarding Challenges, Solved

Efficient Hire: Employees who are happy and feel in control are 57% more likely to be engaged on the job and 53% more likely to perform well on the job. Your onboarding program can set both your new hires and your entire team up for success.

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3 – 4 Ways To Keep Employee Retention High In The Age Of Low Unemployment

Forbes: Unemployment is low. Workers have options. The result? You’d better have a stellar onboarding process that engages, encourages, and accelerates your team members’ career path from the get-go.

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4 – Onboarding New Hires Is the Key to Retention

HR Topics: Worried that your employees are looking for a new job? It turns out most people start looking during their very first week at their new gig. #Shocking! Combat this by building a better onboarding program before it’s too late.

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5 – Everything You Need to Make a Winning Employee Retention Plan

BambooHR: Retention is more than an HR problem; it’s your problem. The average cost for replacing a lost team member can near 50% of their salary. Take a look at some award-winning companies and see what they do to keep the engagement strong.

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Check back next week for more Drive to Success.