Home / Drive to Success: Onboarding Results in More Efficient Dealerships

Drive to Success: Onboarding Results in More Efficient Dealerships

2 Min Read

Searching for the perfect candidates to fill the roles at your dealership is a time consuming process. And churn within the auto industry can result in lost revenue. Yet, many managers overlook onboarding and the impact a successful strategy can have on the lifespan of your new hires. If onboarding is simply an afterthought once a candidate has accepted an offer, odds are they’ll be jumping ship again soon…

1 – Why Dealership Employee Onboarding Should Be Like Delivering a Vehicle

Hireology: You’re great at selling cars to customers. So, take that same energy and start selling the idea of working at your dealership to potential candidates and watch the magic happen.

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2 – How Seamless Onboarding and Offboarding Can Enhance Performance, Security and Agility

HR News: Engaged employees are happier and perform better. It’s important to note that this engagement starts from Day One.

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3 – How to Strengthen the Relationship Between Recruiting and Onboarding

HR Technologist: Just because you’ve found the perfect new hire and extended an offer does not signal the end of one phase and the hand off of the next: onboarding. Your new hire sees the experience as one, seamless process. Tying the two together is crucial.

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4 – Effective Onboarding: The Key to Employee Retention

FGP: According to one study, over 41 million workers quit their jobs in 2018! Did you know that a better onboarding process can help your employees stick around up to 69% longer?

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5 – 3 New Employee Onboarding Checklists You Shouldn’t Hire Without

Cloud App: Employee onboarding has to go beyond handing your new hires a company manual and welcoming them to the team. Here are three checklists to help explain why the process is so critical.

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