Home / Drive to Success: Use Digital Retailing to Build Lifelong Customer Relationships

Drive to Success: Use Digital Retailing to Build Lifelong Customer Relationships

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Customers have more power and more information at their fingertips than any time in history. This fact used to feel like a threat to the traditional brick and mortar business model. But, with the ability to move your storefront online, provide better service options, and create a digital retailing program for your dealership, all bets are off! It is possible to craft an online presence that builds trust and cultivates lifelong customers. Learn how with the tips and tools provided below from industry experts.

1 – Smoke on Cars: Auto Market Weekly Summary

Cox Automotive: A downward trend in pandemic-related deaths and hospitalizations accompanies good news from consumer sentiment. Check out the latest findings from this report to see what else is trending (and in which direction).

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2 – How The Right Staff Can Improve Your Dealership’s Customer Experience

Hireology: The customer experience is at risk with every wrong hire that you make. Find out how culture, diversity, and soft skills make a big impact on the customer experience from the team at Hireology.

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3 – Data-Driven Tips for Selling to Every Generation from Gen Z to Baby Boomers

VinSolutions: Learning your customers’ unique preferences will improve the sales process whether it’s fully digital or old-school. Unlocking the data needed to optimize and personalize is easier than you’d think.

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4 – Meet Consumers Anywhere

Dealer.com: Building a lifelong relationship with your customers still relies on the same principles your dealership has always adhered to like flexibility, reliability, and excellent service. But, the way you reach out and communicate is changing fast. Learn how to stay up to date on new ways to improve the experience.

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5 – 13 Proven Ways to Build Life-Long Customer Relationships

OmniConvert: Learn how to win customers for life from real-world examples and creative thinkers in this fascinating list.

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