Home / Drive to Success: What Is The Future of MaaS?

Drive to Success: What Is The Future of MaaS?

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The way people use transportation has seen a significant shift in recent years due, in large part, to the integration of new technologies, open access to data, and a generation open to new ideas. Thus, Mobility-as-a-Service, or MaaS, has become the future of innovative tech, savvy platform integrations, and a digital ecosystem for tech startups. But, what is the future of MaaS, itself? Will the public see self-driving cars, for real? Will vehicle ownership be replaced entirely with a new concept? Will all our data integrate into a brave new world of transport options?

1 – RideKleen to Roll Out Mobile Maintenance Service

Automotive Fleet: Cox Automotive, in its continued efforts to go green and bring innovative solutions to the market, is rolling out recently acquired RideKleen mobile maintenance services. Using less than one gallon of water, compared to thirty or more for most mobile washing stations, RideKleen will service carsharing and mobility fleets, and more.

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2 – Waymo Says More Of Its Self-Driving Cars Operating ‘Rider Only’ With No One At Wheel

Forbes: Could a Level 5 autonomous vehicle—a vehicle requiring no human interaction or supervision to operate—reach the public in 2020? With Waymo’s announcement of more public “rider only” programs, this could be the next step.

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3 – Top Five Factors In Creating Successful MaaS Systems

Intelligent Transport: When it comes to the future of Mobility-as-a-Service, key factors such as Data Management and addressing the needs of communities will impact the success of systems built to support it.

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4 – Mobility Startups Want to Take Advantage of MaaS Platforms, But Are They Mature Enough?

Urban Mobility Daily: Technology startups see MaaS as an opportunity. In fact, 75% of companies surveyed in a recent study of 600 startups were willing to share their data with other companies as the industry progressed.

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5 – Electric Vehicle Prices Finally In Reach Of Millennial, Gen Z Car Buyers

CNBC: The generation traditionally known for “going green” and being receptive to the EV movement has also, historically, been the generation least able to afford it. With the cost of lithium-ion batteries dropping near 70%, that stat is changing.

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