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How to Thrive Against Top Dealership Challenges

2 Min Read

Do you have what it takes to thrive against the competition? With threats against your bottom line, people poaching your top talent, and inventory dwindling every time you take count, it might feel like the challenges facing your dealership just keep adding up! Discover the Top Seven Challenges dealers are facing and How to Survive Them. Here are just a few…

Supply Chain Shortages

It’s no secret that inventory is taking a hit from industry-wide supply chain shortages. But the real “kicker” is how it’s impacting buyer habits. Up to 48% of potential buyers are hanging onto their vehicles longer and longer and postponing their next purchase due to low vehicle inventory.

Consumer Data Challenges

You use data to uncover shoppers most likely to buy. Yet, outdated CRM data might just be your worst enemy to date. Find out how thriving dealers are utilizing the right data to match deal-to-buyer and win against their competitors.

Changing Buyer Habits

Two out of three buyers surveyed in our study are likely to buy their next car 100% online. The future of digitization in retail automotive is here. How prepared is your dealership, and your staff, to meet the needs of these new buyers?

Discover the Seven Tips for Surviving and Thriving—Learn How.