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Drive to Success: Building an Engaged Team of Dealership Employees

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Studies show the average dealership now relies on up to seven technologies to make a sale and run their automotive business. The investment in software systems, as you know, goes beyond the installation, maintenance, and contract fees. When it comes to hiring, onboarding, and upskilling your team, your dealership needs a solid, focused strategy to keep the team engaged. Read more:

1 – Why Employee Training and Development is Important to Your Small Business

Ready Set Work: Statistics show employees who fail to receive adequate training will leave a job within the first year—up to 40% of them, in fact! And attracting and retaining a workforce of millennials is even tougher, with 87% of millennials listing professional development as a key requirement in their decision-making process when accepting a new job. Does your dealership have a strong strategy for training and developing your new recruits?

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2 – Using Learning and Development to Increase Employee Engagement

Sunlight: Sadly, just 30% of American workers are engaged at work, according to a study. Even worse, this translates to high costs for companies paying out absenteeism, lost productivity, and more. Increased engagement—caring, learning, and becoming energized about a company’s mission—improves your bottom line and more.

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3 – The True Cost of Not Providing Employee Training

Shift eLearning: It’s time to stop worrying about the cost to train your team and, instead, ask whether or not you’re willing to pay the price for not investing in training.

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4 – A Continuous-learning Mindset Could Reshape Training Tech

HR Drive: Technology may drive the tools running your dealership, but soft skills like mentoring, feedback, and coaching are still valuable. And (good news) you can still upskill your entire team in various areas, beyond using technology tools, as part of your skills development strategy.

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5 – How to Improve Employee Training With Learning Software

HR Technologist: Rolling out a training and development plan might sound tricky if your dealership has multiple locations. But, taking a blended approach and using relevant and tailored content can greatly increase the odds of your team’s success.

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Check back next week for more Drive to Success.