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Drive to Success: Hire and Retain Top Talent

Hiring and retaining talent is one of the automotive industry’s biggest challenges. This week’s Drive to Success gives you an inside look into what others are doing to combat the challenge. 

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Drive to Success is a weekly series capturing the most influential articles, tips, and tricks from industry experts and publications to help drive your dealership to success. Each week will focus on a specific key topic in the automotive industry. 

Hiring and retaining talent is one of the automotive industry’s biggest challenges. This week’s Drive to Success gives you an inside look into what others are doing to combat the challenge.

1- Why Retention Will be the Biggest Talent Challenge of 2017

Forbes: How can your dealership combat low retention rates, especially with Millennials and Gen-Z workers up for recruitment? A holistic approach to hiring and retaining talent will help your dealership find a long-term solution.

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2- 10 Tips for Retaining Top Talent

Entrepreneur: These 10 tips will help you keep the talent your dealership needs. With a new, younger generation now entering the workforce, these tips are applicable to any company struggling to retain talent today.

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3- How Dealers Can Hire and Keep Top Talent

Automotive News: Following a proven successful process to hire top talent will ensure talent retention. Suzanne Malo, director of executive search at DHG Search, says such a process is essential because making a bad hire is expensive.

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4- How to Recruit and Retain Top Talent

Digital Dealer: Today’s recruitment process is more than just using the same advertisement you always have to reach new employees. Here is a quick checklist for your recruitment process if your dealership is looking to hire and retain more talent.

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5- 2017 Hiring Trends That Will Impact Your Dealership

Dealer Marketing Magazine: Analyzing 2017 hiring trends will improve the rate of retention at your dealership. Fine tuning your recruitment process by keeping up to date on hiring trends will also increase customer satisfaction, especially among a new generation of car buyers.

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Check back next week for Drive to Success: Digital Retailing. You’ll learn how you can create a stronger presence online.