Home / Drive to Success: Build a Diversity and Inclusion Strategy That Aligns With Your Values

Drive to Success: Build a Diversity and Inclusion Strategy That Aligns With Your Values

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The true value of a Diversity and Inclusion initiative or program can’t be fully recognized until you align it with an actionable strategy that aligns with your dealership’s values. And, when it does, the results are hard to miss! Just check out the real-world examples from these major players:

1 – Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion: Are You Moving The Needle Or Just Checking The Box?

BizJournals: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are great concepts. But, if you don’t weave them into your strategy, culture, everyday practices and initiatives, your business won’t benefit from all that they have to offer.

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2 – Ford, Toyota Get High Marks For Diversity

AutoNews: Check out the winners for the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s 2019 Automotive Diversity Scorecard. This organization judges automakers on diversity in employment, advertising, marketing, procurement, dealers and philanthropy.

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3 – Business Performance Linked To Diversity And Inclusion

Business Report: According to recent research, Diversity and Inclusion are not only ‘nice to haves,’ but result in higher performance for both large and small companies.

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4 – How To Build Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace

Microsoft: Companies with higher diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their industry medians. Plus, more diverse teams tend to outperform their counterparts by 80%. Wowza!

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5 – Cox Automotive – Diversity and inclusion—A Transformative Journey

Savoy Network: Cox Automotive believes in ‘walking the talk’ when it comes to aligning Diversity initiatives with strategy. Read more about our Diversity and Inclusion core value.

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