Home / Drive to Success: Is Your Service Lane ‘Smart?’

Drive to Success: Is Your Service Lane ‘Smart?’

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Your dealership’s service department is a potential gold mine for building long-term customer relationships, establishing trust, and increasing the profitability of your business. Of course, working in the automotive industry, you already know this. But is it smart? Have you considered the impact of your store’s physical appearance? Are you optimizing end-to-end experience platforms, smart technology, and improved efficiencies? Let’s see why it matters with tips from the experts below.

1 – New Xtime End-to-End Service Experience Platform Capabilities Help Drive Owner Loyalty, Grow Fixed-Ops Revenue

Finance.Yahoo: Xtime’s new service lane experience platform is designed to offer end-to-end, technology-forward capabilities promising growth in your fixed-ops revenue. The new offerings, being released in time for NADA, are bringing customer service and improved operations efficiencies to market.

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2 – The Impact of Store Maintenance on Customer Acquisition and Retention

Service Channel: Here’s the rule: Your dealership’s physical appearances are expected to keep up with your brand’s cutting-edge digital experience. As more retail stores move from in-store sales to online, the service centers in automotive may be one of the few remaining in-store experiences. Is your dealership going the extra mile to make buyers feel comfortable?

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3 – 5 Ways to Deliver Excellent Customer Service

Super Office: Can you show your customers that they matter? Here’s how major brands, like Lexus, went above and beyond to improve the customer service experience.

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4 – Making Profits & Happy Customers in the Service Department

Dealer Marketing: Your service department can and should be one of the biggest profit centers in your dealership. The key to success is in building relationships, making customers happy, and ensuring repeated visits by establishing trust.

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5 – Service Lane Can Be an F&I Shop, Too

Auto News: Here’s how one dealership used tools like incentives and social media to sell contracts in their service center and, ultimately, grew profitability for the entire dealership.

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