Home / Drive to Success: The Automotive Industry Goes Green for Good

Drive to Success: The Automotive Industry Goes Green for Good

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The way that people buy, sell, and use automobiles is changing. And, it’s not just because the millennial generation is a unique market, or because many buyers demand a faster, more agile online shopping experience—pushing dealerships to update their digital retailing strategy. Those things still matter, but in addition to these changes, buyers, manufacturers, and dealerships are paying more attention to sustainability efforts. People demand to know where, and how, materials are manufactured. Ride-sharing offers more ways to optimize vehicle use, and changing urban environments are struggling to keep up. All of these shifts are opening a wide range of fascinating economic opportunity and helping improve the lives of everyone involved.

1 – 2019 Cox Automotive Leader in Sustainability Award Winner

Cox Auto: The members of Cox Automotive’s Go Green Council and Corporate Responsibility Council selected BMW of Ramsey, New Jersey with its 2019 Leader in Sustainability Award. Watch the video to see how BMW of Ramsey is “walking the walk” to reduce its environmental impact and improve the planet, every day.

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2 – Self-Driving Cars Need to be Steered in a Climate-Smart Direction

Union of Concerned Scientists: The role of autonomous vehicles (AV’s) is still yet to be determined, even as they begin to roam the urban environment in test cities. One thing is clear: now is the time to make sure we get on the right path.

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3 – Smart City Challenge: 7 proposals for the future of transportation

Network World: Technology is changing the auto industry. For big cities, it can help planners improve efficiency, reduce waste, and improve the quality of life. To boost this idea, the U.S. Department of Transportation is offering $40 million to the winner of its Smart City Challenge. Meet the seven finalists.

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4 – City Planning Technology, 2019 Benchmarking Study

Planetizen: Emerging technologies are driving the mobility movement and impacting the way people move through their environments. Check out this benchmarking study to learn more.

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5 – Zero Waste Warriors at Cox Automotive

Cox Auto: The Cox Automotive national sustainability program, Cox Conserves, has a goal to send zero waste to landfills by 2024. This ambitious plan is spurring dialogue, educational programs, and more throughout the company and producing Zero Waste Warriors!

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Check back next week for more Drive to Success.