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Leadership Lessons: What We Learned in 2020

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There’s a saying that goes, Hard times teach the most valuable lessons. In 2020, you barely had a minute to pause as you made quick pivots and rapid adjustments to meet the needs of service customers, buyers, and team members. From reimagining your business, to staffing changes and safety measures, you were surprisingly agile amidst constant change from minute to minute. Simply put, you’ve had a busy year.  Now that the year is nearing its end, we’ve rounded up key insights and leadership lessons inspired by you and our dealer partners. This year, you’ve set a new precedent for the industry by providing unparalleled dedication to your craft, your customer, and your teams. Next year, you’re ready to make it count!

People, Process, & Technology: Supporting Your Teams

“The stakes have never been higher. Optimizing your dealership’s technology integrations ensures your employees are getting the support they need to eliminate inefficiencies and navigate the uncertainty of the current environment.” – Mandi Fang, VP of Operations, Service and Support

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Driving Change & Adaptability

“Don’t take your foot off the gas when things go back to normal. The pandemic was a major driver of change to old antiquated technologies and processes. Dealers have been very adaptable to changing conditions. By offering contactless service, digital and remote vehicle delivery, laser forms, and more to their customers, they continue to drive change in the industry. Let’s continue to push things into a better way of doing business.” – Matthew Hurst, Director Project & Portfolio Dealertrack DMS

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Seeing the Silver Lining

“Dealers are entrepreneurs. And in times of challenges, entrepreneurs see opportunities. 58% of consumers who purchased a vehicle from a franchise dealer during COVID found the experience to be much improved because it was more efficient and faster, and easier to do from home.” – Tracy Fred, VP of Operations, Sales and Services at Cox Automotive

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Embracing the New Normal

“I think we’ll come out of this with a lot of lessons learned about what we thought we could do and what we didn’t know we were capable of doing. I don’t think things will ever truly go back to normal. When you see service departments advertising they’ll come pick up your car and use digital services to accept payment, it just shows that there are all sorts of opportunities. I think when we look back on this time and all of the things we’re going to learn, these best practices are going to stick with us.” – Susan Moll, VP of Implementation & Training

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Maximizing Profitability through Performance

“Dealers were suddenly thrust into a series of rapid transformations and were in a rush to set up remote access for staff, launch their safety protocols, and get their virtual sales up and running. All of that was extremely important, but, as we’ve all seen, dealers couldn’t afford to ignore their basic, everyday operational processes. Rather, in the midst of these rapid transformations, dealers had to find a way to manage operational processes in order to succeed. Reporting didn’t just go away—it became paramount!” – Randy Wilson, Director Performance Management Dealertrack DMS

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Integrating Technologies to Meet Demand

“Connected technology should reduce friction, streamline operations, and allow teams to work smarter. How dealers hire and train their teams for this new style of sales will definitely change. I’m interested to see how it all plays out in the next year as we continue to grow and adapt.” – Tyler Anderson, Director Business Development Dealertrack DMS

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2020 was a big year for change. But 2021 is the year of the dealership. It’s time to get ready for a new way forward. Reserve your spot for the first virtual Cox Automotive Experience on January 25, 2021. Discover how your technology can drive efficiency from the showroom to the back office.