BookOut Info Sheet

Review used car values by year, make, model or VIN. Access the most current vehicle values from the most trusted industry sources in one online interface.

Credit Application Info Sheet

Dealertrack provides free, fast and easy connections to your financing sources, including captives, national banks, regional banks, subprime lenders and credit unions.

Accelerated Title eBook

Shortened title release and vehicle payoff process, four components for a successful transaction; payoff quotes, summary reports, electronic funding, and status tracking.

Accelerated Title Info Sheet

How Accelerated Title improves dealer efficiencies and helps profitability. List of key Lenders across the 50 states who participate in Accelerated Title.

The Dealership Guide to eContracting

eContracting replaces the traditional and mistake-prone approach of manual data entry and
calculations, paper contracts with “wet” signatures, and overnight delivery of funding packages.

Top 5 Menu Selling Tips eBook

The eBook discusses: 1) focus on a consultative approach, 2) create a customized presentation, 3) encourage engagement, 4) use data insights to build your presentation, and 5) be consistent.