The Future: Open, Integrated Systems

The Internet of Things is here. Consumers are starting to expect that their refrigerator can talk to the stove and their GPS knows where to take them based on calendar appointments. These innovations require…

Drive to Success: Dealership Work Culture

Creating a positive workplace culture affects more than employees. When dealerships establish a positive work culture, it impacts turnover, sales, and efficiency, as well. When employee morale improves, a dealership’s business results and bottom…

Invest in New Technology with a Purpose

Today’s consumers are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest. When something feels old or outdated, it’s quickly replaced with something else that’s new and exciting. This is especially true with technology.…

Success Story: Straub Automotive

Success Story: Straub Automotive

Superior customer experience is at the core of West Virginia dealer group Straub Automotive. In fact, the four-store group boasts high CSI scores, multiple Honda President’s Awards and two Nissan Awards of Excellence. So…

Drive to Success: Bottom Line Efficiency

In an industry as competitive as auto sales, dealerships must think creatively to find efficiencies and increase profits. From a focus on fixed ops and F&I to hiring and retaining the right employees, dealerships…

F&I for the Age of the Customer

by Jason Barrie One in three Americans would rather go to the DMV, do their taxes or sit in the middle airplane seat than go through the process of buying a car. Less than 1%…

Learn how Accelerated Title can help your dealership close more deals.

Titles and the Need for Speed

Customers are continuing to spend less time at a dealership from beginning to end. According to the 2018 Cox Automotive Car Buyer Journey Study, car buyers spend 60 percent of their time online. They…

Drive to Success: Dealership Sales Strategy

The way consumers buy vehicles is changing. And, dealerships are finding new ways to adjust to their customers’ shifting preferences. Through an increased focus on digital sales, social media, and community involvement, dealerships are…