Using Technology to Increase Your Bottom Line

Technology is everywhere. You customers and employees have come to expect it, and your smartest competitors are using it to make money. By spending a little time and money upfront, technology can streamline operations, improve efficiency, and better your bottom line down the road. 

Successful Dealerships Embrace Change

Webb Automotive overcame the fear of change by focusing on the positive, selecting the right technology partners, and by preparing carefully. With their new DMS in place, their employees are happier and more efficient. 

Stay Ahead of the Competition

Competition makes the world go ’round. You can either be behind or ahead of it, and if you forget to pay attention to it, your competition completely passes you by.

At-A-Glance: eMenu for iPad®

Let’s face it: Paper menus just don’t work well in an interactive and tablet-friendly world. Learn how you can leverage mobile technology to create a more comfortable and consultative experience, 

Sell Millennials on the Dealership Experience

Good news! There’s a generation of digitally savvy people getting ready to buy cars – and lots of ’em. That sounds like a pleasure cruise of sales opportunities, right? But there’s a catch: they’re a demanding bunch with specific ideas about how the transaction should unfold.

Millennials Flex Their Purchase Power

With every promotion or newly minted job, Millennial spending power is growing. And while it’s true that the “digital native generation” is changing the experience of car shopping, what’s perhaps even more influential is their impact on the auto finance market.